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Following a traumatic incident during his residency, young medical student James Hayman (Namir Smallwood) moves to a rural hospital to start over. Noticing that James is having a hard time connecting with patients, Dr. Harrison (veteran stage and screen actor Michael Potts) suggests he take a class focused on bedside manner and facilitating deeper relationships with them. The demons of Jamesโ€™ past begin to catch up with him when he becomes consumed by the case of a young asthma patient (Sidney Flanigan, NEVER RARELY SOMETIMES ALWAYS) with mysterious symptoms. His grip on reality begins to slip as his haunting nightmares, anxiety-fueled speculation and physical injuries collide with the harsh realities of the medical world. Director Alex Thompson assembles a strong cast of veteran actors in his follow-up to SAINT FRANCES (and precursor to GHOSTLIGHT) in this humanistic, offbeat take on the genre.

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