Kidnapping Inc. WEB-DL.WEBRipDUAL.H Magnet Download Sling

Kidnapping Inc. torrent
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The son of a wealthy presidential candidate has been kidnapped. The kidnappers are demanding a huge ransom. Doc and Zoe are two amateur thugs – and soccer fanatics – who must deliver the young man to their ruthless boss. The impulsive Zoe accidentally kills the candidate’s son. Facing a terrible fate for killing their hostage, Doc and Zoe meet Patrick and his nine-months-pregnant wife, Laura. The young couple must catch a flight out of Haiti to give birth in the United States, at all costs, in order to obtain citizenship for their child. Patrick’s misfortune is that he looks like the senator’s dead son. In the midst of a heated election and a Barรงa-Real Clasico, Doc and Zoe find themselves at the center of a political conspiracy.


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