WITCH WATCH: Watch Party Ac3.10Bit ๐šƒ๐š˜๐š›๐š›๐šŽ๐š—๐š Link [YTS.MX]

WITCH WATCH: Watch Party torrent
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Morihito Otogi, a high school student from a clan of ogres, lives a peaceful, ordinary life until his childhood friend Nico moves in with him. Nico is a witch trainer, and he chooses Morihito as his familiar. While Nico is excited to meet his old friend and is crushed, Morihito is entrusted with the dangerous duty of protecting him from a predicted calamity. Between the unpredictable chaos caused by Nico’s magic and the awkwardness of their shared home, their lives become a whirlwind of supernatural calamities and threats.

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